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City of London Corporation: Women Pivoting to Digital Taskforce

Written by TechSwitch | 01 May 2024 09:48:42 Z
TechSwitch are excited to be a member of the City of London Corporation Women Pivoting to Digital Taskforce. Together with over 100 organisations from business, government, third sector and industry groups, we want to futureproof the digital workforce and create a more dynamic and inclusive environment. This Taskforce aims to bridge the gender gap in digital careers helping shape a more equitable future. 

29 April 2024 (Link to News Release)


The City of London Corporation has launched a Taskforce to tackle the lack of women in digital roles after Alan Turing Institute data revealed that less than 25% of women work in AI and data science fields in the UK. Gender equity remains a challenge in these roles with estimates showing that there will be one skilled woman for every 115 tech roles by 20251.

The Women Pivoting to Digital Taskforce, which includes businesses such as IBM, Accenture and Salesforce, brings together business, Government, third sector and industry groups to support women from non-technical backgrounds to pivot to digital roles in AI, data, cyber and IT.


Digital jobs are emerging and advancing rapidly, and as the momentum around AI accelerates, the Taskforce aims to knock down the barriers between women and these crucial roles.

UNESCO data shows that by 2025 there will be 149 million new roles in software, data and AI across all sectors of the economy. And despite the need for vital skills training to fill these roles, only two percent of women are provided with opportunities to upskill at work2.

This initiative aims to support employers in the financial and professional services as well as technology sector to upskill workers while equipping organisations with the tools to hire women from non-technical backgrounds.


Caroline Haines, Vice Chair of Policy and Resources at the City of London Corporation, who launched the event at Guildhall, said: “I am pleased to launch The Women Pivoting to Digital Taskforce which will encourage women to pivot to digital roles. The Taskforce will seek to give more opportunities and tools to women to close the growing digital skills gap. Achieving gender parity requires collective action from businesses, Government, and third sector organisations to make the digital workforce more diverse and inclusive.”


Sheridan Ash, Founder and Chief Executive at Tech She Can said: “I am delighted to be co-Chair of this important Taskforce. There is an urgent need to boost growth and productivity in the UK by addressing our skills gap in technology. Increasing the skills and diversity of the technology workforce is fundamental to the UK becoming more competitive and innovative. The UK’s technology skills gap could be solved today if we had the same number of women as men working in technology jobs and careers. I very much look forward to working with everyone in this initiative, and to tackling the skills gap by increasing diversity in technology careers.”


Flavilla Fongang, founder of Black Rise and Global Tech Advocates Black Women in Tech said: “As we launch this strategic initiative, I am filled with optimism about the powerful collaboration that awaits us. This is more than a start, it's a pledge to harness diverse talents and ideas that will redefine the technological landscape. I am excited to be part of a team as experienced and passionate as the Strategy Steering Board, we are destined to drive innovation and inclusivity at every step.”


Adam Baldwin, General Counsel, Girls in Tech said: “I am delighted to join the Women Pivoting to Digital Taskforce. The launch of this Taskforce by the City of London Corporation represents a significant step in creating new opportunities for our talented UK workforce, supporting women in their pivot into the growing number of digital roles. I cannot wait to see what we can achieve with such great support from the city’s businesses, government and third sector.”


Laura Faulkner, Director of Business Services, Nationwide, said: “For the mutual benefit of our customers, colleagues and wider society, Nationwide is committed to addressing the underrepresentation in Financial Services of women in technology. As part of the City of London Corporation's Woman Pivoting to Digital Taskforce, we will focus on equipping women from non-technical backgrounds with the essential skills to build digital careers. Through cross-industry collaboration, our goal is to build a robust pipeline of female talent, surfacing and supporting opportunity for more women to move into digital roles."


Karen Blake, co-Chief Executive of Tech Talent Charter, said: “It is an honour to join the Women Pivoting to Digital Strategy steering board. With women consistently underrepresented in specialist digital roles across sectors, our mission is clear: to leverage their diverse skills for innovation. As we embark on this two-year initiative, we're committed to bridging the gender gap and empowering women to thrive in the digital age.”


Want to know more? Please visit or email the Women Pivoting to Digital team.  



1 Diversity & Inclusion for Teach Leaders | Code First Girls

2 Diversity & Inclusion for Teach Leaders | Code First Girls